Easier Said than Done!
According to Forbes.Com, there are approximately 1,011 billionaires around the world this year. Most people will never have the chance to see themselves part of the multi-billion dollar crowd such as Bill Gates, Donald Trump, and Carlos Slim Helu (Richest Man In The World).
Furthermore, this year the World's Billionaires have an average net worth of $3.5 billion, up $500 million in 12 months. Americans account for 40% of the world's billionaires, down from 45% a year ago. The U.S. commands 38% of the collective $3.6 trillion net worth of the world's richest, down from 44% a year ago.
Now, what does this actually say? Its clear that billionaires in the U.S. are quietly slipping while the rest of the world are slowly gaining grounds. Now, I did not check if there are more millionaires in the U.S. this year than years prior, but I do hope that it is increasing not decreasing.
So, do you plan to be financially rich? Do you plan to have enough income before retirement that make you live the rest of your life free of money problems?
Donald Trump considers Rich as a state of mind. That as long as you see, feel, and believe yourself as being rich, you are rich. Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad believes that if you have enough passive income paying for your cost of living, than you are financially free. Clearly, many millionaires and billionaires have different perspective of what the definition of the word "Rich" really is.
So, How do we do this? How do we become financially Independent and be considered Rich?
Well here are a few advices from Already Rich People...
1. Robert Kiyosaki: "The richest people in the world build networks; everyone else is trained to look for work."
2. Donald Trump: Start a business. "Think Big" when you do.
3. Warren Buffett: The world’s most successful investor once said that "The secret of becoming rich was to be greedy when others are fearful and very fearful when others are greedy."
Also, The power of compounding interest goes a long way.
4. Bill Gates, Founder Microsoft: "Start your own company and believe that it has the opportunity to change the world." He started Microsoft with the belief that the company would not stop until every home and office desk had a personal computer.
5. Andrew Carnegie: "Aim for the highest."
6. J. Paul Getty: "You must take risks, both with your own money or with borrowed money. Risk taking is essential to business growth."
7. Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple: I was worth about over a million dollars when I was twenty-three and over ten million dollars when I was twenty-four, and over a hundred million dollars when I was twenty-five and it wasn't that important because I never did it for the money.”
As you can see, every single person on this list became Billionaires and Millionaires by operating their own business.
Now is it too late? No, I don't believe it is ever too late to start exploring the world of business. Just Ask Col. Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken. He was in his 70's before someone took notice of his chicken recipe and then becoming a millionaire. I believe that each one of us have the ability, the courage, and the tenacity to confront our biggest fear of "Taking Risk" to follow our dreams of becoming wealthy. Now what is the alternative, well, not to be rich or wealthy. Nothing is wrong with that, I assume. But, since we only have 1 Life to live, isn't it reasonable to go swing for the fence? Isn't it justifiable to agree with Donald Trump when he said "Think Big, since you are thinking anyway."
Remember, "Your Future depends on what you do now."
Sponsored by Moringa Health Network. To know more, on how to start your own business with us, contact Erwin Sigua at 775-786-7778.
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