Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Money Success or Failure? Which Road are you on?

"You Can Do Anything If You Believe It."  Now, isn't this the case for everyone? 

As an Entrepreneur who owns and manages multiple businesses, I better believe this statement is true.  As they say, Entrepreneurs are the eternal optimist, we believe that we can achieve anything. But what about the naysayers who believe that timing, the economy, the market, the job, or the family situation are the real determining factor on what the best we can do at the time being? Well, I say to this "BULL CRAP!!"

During my Moringa Health Network Seminar, I've asked candidates "If money was not a factor in your everyday decisions, how would you see your life turn out today?"  One of the candidates says he would probably be circling the globe visiting exotic locations. Another sees spending more time with his family on vacations, while another see herself as able to create a non-profit organization for disabled children as long as her needs are met.  After this question, I would ask them what they believe the dollar amount it would take for them to meet this  "Money-not-a-factor" question. Most would respond it would take at least $150,000.00 dollars to create this freedom. 

Now I know some of you may agree on this, while others will not.  Some of you may already be making more than this money figure and say this is not enough, or "Yes" it is enough.  But the point I am getting at during these sales training is why not reach for the stars and say One million, Two Million, 20 Million, or more? Why not "COMMIT" to "THINK BIG"? 

The consolation prize on this kind of thinking?  You may not reach the stars, but you may hit the moon on the way up!

You may say, "Nah it is impossible to make this much." Well, according to many millionaires it is very much possible. Millionaires believed it can be done, so it is done.  You may also say, "I don't know many people making this much in my career, profession, or job."  Then I would suggest to find a different career, profession, or job path to fulfill the dream you have set for yourself and not sell yourself short on what you decided to achieve for yourself.  You may say, "I am happy on what I do, and I enjoy going to work" If you are, good for you. This shows me that you probably have a great boss or employment career that will always be there for you.  Just make sure your Boss, or employment career will have as much of a commitment to you as well and will "NEVER" change the situation you are currently in.

I've raised this issue on my seminars to make people understand that you can be who or whatever you want to be if you believe in it.  If you are having problems paying the bills on time, not able to buy that nice car you have always wanted, the nice purse that matched your shoes, or take the kids to a Disney Cruise whenever you want, then the reason to do more is right in front of you.  I believe you need to take actions and don't settle to the current condition you are in.  Believe you can do it then take action on it. No excuses, justification, or complaints why it is not possible in the vey near future. 

In my Insurance Sales and Moringa health Network Seminars, I make people understand the value of financial "Self-Worth."  If you cost analyze yourself, would you consider yourself worth $50,000 (like what your job says), or do you cost yourself as "PRICELESS" (what your Mom always say =) ).  Your dreams, your needs, your wants are all a part of your "Self-Worth."  Don't sell yourself cheap. 

Now you may ask, "WHAT IF I FAIL?" My answer to this, failure and success are a part of any journey you take.  It is in learning of failure that we succeed. Failure makes you successful in the end. 

It is actually not as hard to figure this out.  The road to Success and Failure is actually the same path, but the difference is whether you decide to stop once you hit FAILURE Dr or keep moving to arrive at SUCCESS Blvd.

One of the success book I've read talked about a man attended a wealth seminar. Before the seminar, he saw one of the presenter and asked him a very important question.  He said, "How can you help me with my finances since I am currently earning $800,000.00 a year?" The presenter asked him "How long have you been earning this income?" The man said, "I've been earning this for at least 5 years now"  The presenter than said, "Great for you, now may I ask, what has been keeping you stuck at about $800,000.00 every year for at least 5 years and not earning more?"  With this question, the man had no answer.  He then went inside the auditorium excited to learn the answer. After the Wealth Seminar, he was so happy on what he learned that day.  He came to the wealth seminar because he felt he could always do more but needed a new direction to take.  In his opinion, he has a "Self-Worth" of not just $800,000.00, but in the Millions. From what I have read, the author of this book did say he accumulated more wealth afterwards. 

My message to you at this point; Everything always reveal itself in due time as long as you "Commit" to It, and "Think Big." Dream on what Success for you looks like, but follow through with action, purpose, and urgency.  You Are A Money Sucess, as long as you believe in it. You know what to do as long as you don't let "BULL CRAP!!" get in the way.   

Again, "You may not reach the stars, but you may hit the moon on the way up!!"

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